This is an overview of currently active Programmes of [The Commons Conservancy]. Interested in joining? Get in touch!

Photo of an old mailbox that says Send Someone a Love Letter


Simple & Secure Large File Transfer

FileSender is a (self-)hosted service that allows people to securely share large files with anyone. It works through your web browser and you can send a file to anyone with a mail address. FileSender was originally created with the needs of scientists and researchers in mind, which means that it scale to extreme file sizes.

Private instances of FileSender are currently in use by many nation research networks and scientific institutes across the world.



video conferencing platform

eduMEET is a free and Open Source video conferencing platform, based on WebRTC technology, developed by and for the Research and Education community. It is easy to use, highly focused on security and privacy, and tailored for the needs of NRENs, schools, colleges, universities, research institutions, performing arts organisations.

It is delivered as software packages in a variety of forms, accessible directly from GitHub or via the eduMEET website, also for developers and integrators who wish to build on its capabilities or incorporate it within other solutions.


Internet of Coins

Blockchain wizardry

Internet of Coins is a project that aims to create a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing inter-blockchain connectivity. Not through centralized exchanges, nor federated partnerships, or multigateways, but sustained by a hybrid P2P meta-network to leverage each of its participant's strength in numbers. The dream of the project is to integrate all coins into an interconnected and financially liquid nervous system.


eduVPN/Let's Connect

Safer connections for everyone

Virtual Private Networks are an important class of technologies that enable secure and private use of networks (such as wifi hotspots) even in the common case where the trustworthiness of the network is hard to establish. The use of untrusted wifi networks is as common as it is risky, and without protection potentially exposes users to all kinds of attacks. However, setting up VPN's is traditionally a very cumbersome task. eduVPN is an effort to make VPN technology commonly available, by building better and more user-friendly tools.


Fashion Freedom Initiative

Open up the fashion industry

The Fashion Freedom Initiative wants to make sure that everyone benefits from new advances in technology in the fashion industry and beyond. It aims to assist the industry and the wider society in transitioning into a new phase where social responsibility, art, usability, privacy and sustainability are combined into a better and smarter fashion for everyone. Designing and making clothes isn't just a luxury for the affluent, or a prerogative of large factories and consumer brands: it is a universal need at the largest possible scale.



Modular security for the web

The Redwax Project provides a number of small and modular security tools to make it easy to build security services on the web. These can be combined to form various types of certificate authorities, issuing certificates with SPKAC and SCEP, servicing certificate revocation with CRLs and OCSP, and creating timestamps. The aim of the project is keep the security footprint and the number of dependencies as low as possible.



Easily view, setup and record your own honeypot sessions

Honeytrap is a comprehensive, extensible open source system for running, monitoring and managing honeypots. It allows you to redirect attacks and reconnaissance activities aimed at your infrastructure to emulated systems that allow you to learn how your attackers actually go about. HoneyTrap aims to be the leading modular framework for running, monitoring and managing honeypots. Using HoneyTrap you can use sensors, high interaction and low interaction honeypots together, while still using the same event mechanisms. HoneyTrap consists of services, directors, listeners and channels. It is easy to build new services, attach existing honeypots and extend channels or directors.



Making the internet a little safer

Cryptography lies at the heart of securing applications and communications on the Internet. The CrypTech project is developing an open-source hardware cryptographic engine design that meets the needs of high assurance Internet infrastructure systems that use cryptography. The goal of the CrypTech project is to create an open-source hardware cryptographic engine that can be built by anyone from public hardware specifications and open-source firmware and operated without fees of any kind. The team working on the project is a loose international collective of engineers trying to improve assurance and privacy on the Internet.



Knock, knock - who's there?

Identity management is essential to know who you are dealing with, and as such it is the mandatory starting point for many technologies used across untrusted networks like the internet. IdentityPython is a set of projects that provide implementation of key federation and identity technologies including OpenID Connect, SAML, xmldsig, OAuth, JWT, etc - all implemented in the Python programming language. IdentityPython (often referenced to as idpy) offers a Pythonic way of asserting identity in applications.



The Digital Work Platform for Humanity

Corteza is a self-hosted cloud platform for getting work done. Corteza allows organisations to connect all the different parts of their activities together. The core of Corteza consists of a Unified Workspace, a feature complete Enterprise Messaging application and a user-friendly and easy to master environment for rapidly and securely delivering records-based management solutions and the most advanced open source Customer Relationship Management platform in the world.



A portable cryptographic store

In high security settings, people use hardware devices such as Hardware Security Modules to store cryptographic secrets. But what to do if all you have is a software environment? SoftHSM is a mature and well-tested implementation of a cryptographic store accessible identical to an expensive hardware device, but implemented in software. One can use it to work with standard PKCS #11 everywhere.



Rewriting the fragile future of the internet

The goal of the Internet-Wide Organisation is to get more internet technology available to end-users, ranging from individuals to corporations. There are thousands of internet standards, but the facilities available to end-users are pretty much limited to web sites and email. Given the innovative constructions that have been built on top of just these two protocols, we see great potential in adding more valuable internet standards.


Workflow Orchestrator

An engine for better processes

The purpose of the Workflow Orchestrator provides easy-to-use tools, samples and documentation for automating and orchestrating order, administration and provisioning processes. The core of the Workflow Orchestrator consists of a workflow engine that can run processes that result in subscriptions. Based on domain models, a process can be defined from a sequential list of steps (local or remote) that require successful completion of the previous step to proceed. A successful and synchronous subscription can be continuously validated, also based on external system information.



A real Linux distribution for phones

PostmarketOS is developing a sustainable, privacy and security focused free software mobile operating system that is modeled after traditional Linux distributions. PostmarketOS is ready to run on older hardware and has been designed with privilege separation in mind. postmarketOS breaks with the paradigm that your phone is no longer useful or safe when vendors lose interest - and allows you to use your device until it physically breaks!



Simplify the process of connecting to eduroam for end users

geteduroam allows people to safely connect to (wireless) networks other than their own. Instead of cumbersome processes to create separate user accounts for roaming, it should be possible to directly use federated identies to automatically generate login credentials for roaming as needed. In addition to the mechanism to create client certificates as needed, geteduroam is developing apps for user devices to automatically install and configure eduroam.



Single Sign On made simple

SimpleSAMLphp is an open source lightweight implementation of several identity federation protocols written in PHP. SimpleSAMLphp (or SSP in short) allows users to be conveniently authenticated, through internet standards like SAML2 and OpenID Connect. SSP is a cornerstone in the authentication and authorisation infrastructures of many National Research and Education Networks, but also in healthcare and government. Furthermore, its battle-tested SAML libraries are used in various more comprensive open source solutions like OpenConext.



Composable framework for platform-specific apps using web technology

Tauri is a polyglot toolkit which can be used for building fast and lightweight applications for different computing platforms, using a combination of Rust tools, HTML (rendered in a Webview) and optional API's for passing messages to API's for Rust and JavaScript.



Software for distributing Android applications

F-Droid is a platform and catalogue of free and open source applications for the Android platform, and is itself free and open source software. It consists of both a server part and a client which makes it easy to browse and install apps, and redistribute these from your own device to others.